Theory of cognitive development

What is cognitive learning theory ?

Cognitive  learning theory is an educational theory that focuses on the efficient use of the brain. To understand the process of learning , it is important to know the meaning of comprehension. The mental process of acquiring knowledge and understanding with the senses, experience and thinking is called cognition. The concept of cognitive learning describes processes involved in human learning. In terms of cognitive  learning, certain thought processes can lead to more information being stored. Cognitive learning is an active and immersive process that engages your senses in a constructive and long-term manner. Cognitive learning theory teach us to increase our brain abilities to make it easier to corelate new information to  the existing ideas, strengthening our memory and it's  storage capacity.

History of cognitive learning theory 

Cognitive learning theory describes all the psychological processes involved in individual learning. The theory is said to have been developed by academic psychologist Jean Piaget in 1936. He believes that knowledge is something that students actively build upon based on their own frameworks of knowledge.

Piaget Stages of cognitive development 

Piaget's developmental stages are part of a theory about the stages of normal mental development, from childhood to adulthood. It involves thinking, judgment and knowledge. The categories are named after psychologist and developmental scientist Jean Piaget, who recorded the mental and physical development of children and adolescents.

The four stages of mental development (or cognition) according to Piaget are:

  1. Sensory motor stage. Birth up to 18-24 months.

  1. Pre operational stage. Toddlers (18-24 months) to kids (7 years old).

  1. Concrete operational stage. (7 to 11 years old).

  1. Formal operational stage: Adolescence through adulthood (11...)

Cognitive learning in the classroom 

At Grade Power Learning, our cognitive teaching strategies focus on purposeful learning. We do not focus on memorization or repetition. Instead, our teachers teach students the basics of lifelong learning. Children learn new skills and techniques that helps in obtaining better grades in schools. That include  critical thinking and building lasting associations between different subjects. Cognitive learning theory that help students to learn effectively and also emphasizes on understanding rather then just memorizing. Brainstorming can help your students to achieve their functional skills by highlighting the best ways they learn. 

A teacher can use cognitive learning theory  in classroom by:

  • Asking learners to reflect on their experiences.
  • Helping learners to find new solutions to problems.
  • Encourage discussion of what is being taught.
  • Helping learners to discover and understand how ideas are connected.
  • Asking learners to justify and explain their thinking.

Activities related to cognitive learning in the classroom :

  • Memorize poetry or facts.
  • Write a journal and ask learners to think about what they learned that day or week.
  • Tell students to present their work in front of the class. 
  • Let the learners design their own reading game as they work to discover the facts or topic.
  • Ask the learners to explain the problem and teach it to other children. 

Cognitive learning is all about how human mind process information. The ways it is acquired, organized and stored by it. The mind is used as an information processor, like a computer. Therefore, understanding looks beyond bodily behaviour, and views learning as an internal process of the soul. With this in mind, students take an active part in the information processing process. Knowledge, memory, thinking and problem solving are the areas of development. As neuroscientists continue to discover more about how the brain works, psychologists and educators are interested in how this information is used in the classroom for effective learning environment.


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